08 December 2009

Lekë Dukagjini

Lekë Dukagjini (1410–81) was an Albanian prince who fought against the Ottoman Empire.He is the most important figure of medieval Albanian,after Skanderbeg. A contemporary of Skanderbeg, Dukagjini is known for a code of law instituted in northern Albania.Leading the League of Lezhë(founded in Lezha in 1444) Scanderbeg sow Leka (initially his father Pal Dukagjini) beside him. They fought side by side (sometimes they opposed each other) until Scanderbeg died (1468). Lekë Dukagjini continued his deed leading Albanians in most difficult period of their anti-ottoman resistance, till the end of his life (1481). .Leke Dukagjini is thought to have been born in Ulpiana,which is today Lipljan, in Kosovo or in the village Velekincë-Gjilan.By the time he took over the ruling of the county from his father Prince Pal Dukagjini in 1446, Dukagjini had gained knowledge, inspired by European Renaissance humanism, of towns such as Venice, Ragusa and Shkodër, and had studied in Prizren. Dukagjini's Princedom, with Lezha as its own capital city, included Zadrima, the areas in north and northeast of Shkodra and was extended in remote areas of Kosovo, having Ulpiana(Lipjan), near Prizren, as e second capital city.Lekë Dukagjini fought under the command of Skanderbeg against the Ottomans. During times of peace they also fought against one another, as Albanian loyalties came and went during that period of their history. Dukagjini continued to fight against the Ottoman Empire, carrying on as the leader of the Albanian resistance after the death of Skanderbeg, until his own death in 1481. At times his forces united with the Venetians with the blessing of the Pope.


Overshadowed by the legend of Skanderbeg, Dukagjini is most well-known for the set of laws ruling the highlands of northern Albania, known as the Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit. Whilst identifying Skanderbeg as the "dragon prince" who dared to fight against any foe, chronicles portray Dukagjini as the "angel prince" who, with dignity and wisdom, ensured the continuity of the Albanian identity.

The set of laws were active in practice for a long time, but it was not gathered and codified until the late 19th century by Shtjefën Gjeçov. The most infamous laws of Kanuni are those regulating blood feuds. Blood feuds have started once again in northern Albania (and have since spread to other parts of Albania, and even to expatriates abroad) after the fall of communism in the early 1990s, having been outlawed for many years during the regime of Enver Hoxha, and contained by the relatively closed borders.

Dukagjini's military success against the Ottomans was never extremely successful; he also lacked the ability to unite the country and the Albanian people in the way that Skanderbeg had. Loyalties wavered, and splintered, betrayals were common, and Albania fell into complete submission to the Ottomans by the end of the 15th century.

It was the year 1481,when he was for the last time, mentioned in documents of the time, moving from Raguza to his Principality.This year is thought to be the year of death of Lekë Dukagjini. No one knows,where was he buried .The Legend says ;

He went away blessing freedom of Albanian territories and cursing their occuppation until their Lord's will return to their lands.

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